8 B2B Content Distribution Channels for Cybersecurity Companies

If great content is not distributed, was it ever even published at all?

In the Soviet Union, novelists like Mikhail Bulgakov faced this problem constantly. Bulgakov could produce the most amazing novels like The Master and Margarita, but if the communist party didn't like his works, no one would ever read anything he wrote. Hence Bulgakov’s great novel The Master and Margarita was only discovered and published 26 years after his death. 

Most B2B content suffers a similar fate, but it's not the fault of some political commissar. 

Instead, what hides B2B content is that marketers forget to distribute it. They lean too heavily, mostly unconsciously, on Bulgakov’s idea that “manuscripts don't burn” or that “if you build it, they will come.”

I used to think this was the case too. I would create amazing content for my clients based on hours of research, interviews, and copywriting, and then, through the magic of SEO, I just assumed people would find it. I know now this was wrong. 

Content creation is only a small part of B2B content marketing - how you promote (i.e., your content distribution strategy) is just as important as what you create. 

Your content distribution strategy might involve the following:

  1. Publishing content like blogs and infographics on your primary owned channel, i.e., your website.

  2. Sharing the same content on social media with the “link in the comments.” 

If so, that’s OKAY. But it does mean you're not using good content (which probably took a lot of time and money to produce) to its full potential. 

Full bore distribution starts with three realizations:

  • Figure out your distribution route. Before you even think about producing great content, you need to know where you’ll distribute it. Where is your audience (i.e., your target personas) spending time online? Those are your distribution channels. If you’re not sure, can you poll some of your customers to see the platforms they spend time on?

  • Know what type of content works on each marketing channel. What sees success on Reddit might not necessarily do well on LinkedIn. Find out the best content types for each channel that matters to you (for example, long-form and in-depth, or “snackable”?), and what purpose you want to use them for (conversion, brand awareness, etc.)

  • Multi-format is great, but exhaust all other options first. Rather than repurposing content to many different formats, make the most of its original format first. For example, if it’s a blog post, post a link to it on relevant forum threads (but don’t be spammy), use sub-sections from it to promote it on social media, share it with your email list, and so on, before you even start thinking of converting it to audio, video, etc. 

To help you make the most of your content distribution efforts, here are 8 content distribution channels to incorporate into your B2B marketing campaign. 

Owned Content Distribution Channels

Owned content distribution channels are those your brand owns. You have control over what is published on them and when. 

1. Website/blog

This one’s easy - your website/blog is a great place to publish content pieces like product landing pages, case studies, pillar pages, gated content (whitepapers, ebooks, reports, etc.), blog posts, infographics, etc.

Learn more:

Even content in a different format can find a home on your site/blog. 

For example, you can publish video content, like a recent webinar you did, as part of a blog post where you run through some of the points you made and encourage people to watch the embedded webinar to learn more. 

2. Social media

Share your content on relevant (i.e., where your target audience is) social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter (believe it or not, some companies don’t even do this). This can be in the form of a quick link or a short blog post that drives readers to wherever your content is (your own site, a third-party publication, etc.)

The advantage of social media posts, particularly on LinkedIn, is that your team can share your content with their contacts and network. 

Because reaching your audience organically on social platforms is getting more difficult, you may also want to invest in ads, at least for some of the more important content assets you have. 

3. Email marketing

If you have an email list, let your email subscribers know you’ve just published content they might enjoy.

You can send out an email sharing content, like so: 

B2B newsletter distribution

Or, if you have an email newsletter, you can include it as part of the next issue. Here’s an example:

B2B email newsletter distribution

Learn more:

Earned Content Distribution Channels 

Earned or shared content distribution channels are owned by third parties. 

Getting your content on these channels is harder because it generally needs to be approved by someone else. You also have less control over how your content appears on earned channels. 

At the same time, earned channels can give you a wider reach. 

4. Online forums 

Keep an eye on forum threads on places like Reddit, Quora, and industry forums.

Chances are, at some point, someone will ask a question that is relevant to your business and that you are well-placed to answer. Craft a well-thought-out response and, if appropriate, plug a link to your content.

Note: The content you share doesn’t have to be written by you. It can be a review, article, webinar, podcast, video, etc., by a third party about your brand, like in the example below:

Reddit content distribution

Alternatively, you might be able to use specific sections from your own content to answer people’s questions. This is especially true if you have built up a large content library. 

Tip: Most forums tend to have specific rules, for example, no self-promotion. If you don’t follow these rules, your posts can be deleted and your account suspended from posting on the forum. 

5. Third-party publications

Chances are, that topic you spoke about in a blog post/webinar/infographic would make for a great guest post on a third-party publication. 

Not only does guest posting on third-party publications relevant to your industry help you spread the word about your brand among people who might be interested in it, but it can also be a good way to earn backlinks (if the publication allows this). 

Note: While some third-party publications accept guest posts for free, others are paid to play. Depending on the publication (how authoritative it is and its readership level), paying for guest posts might or might not be worth your while. 

Check out our recent blog post for 31 no-cost cybersecurity marketing guest post opportunities

Tip: Don’t forget about press releases that can be presented to media publications. 

Unlike owned and earned content distribution channels, you have to pay for paid channels. However, this marketing effort can be totally worth it if you get enough exposure. 

6. Ads

Depending on the piece of content you’ve produced, it might make sense to run ad campaigns (PPC, social, etc.) that bring users to that specific blog, webinar, or guide.

Content ads distribution

7. Newsletters

Placement in other people’s/brands’ newsletters is a good way to get your brand and content in front of more people (and potentially even new audiences).

newsletter distribution

Look for newsletter sponsorship opportunities in your niche. For cybersecurity, some newsletters that do sponsorships include:

8. Podcasts 

Similar to newsletters, many podcasts also do sponsorships. 

How sponsorships work varies from one podcast to another. Most podcasts also have different opportunities based on your goals and budget.

For example, CISO Series Podcast offers a 60- to 90-second sponsorship read in the middle of the podcast (you also get a link on the CISO Series blog, social media mentions, etc.). But if you sponsor the podcast three times, you can appear on the podcast as a guest and tell your story to thousands of security decision-makers. 

Tip: Some publications offer combo marketing opportunities, i.e., a shout-out in a podcast, newsletter mention, link on their social media, etc. 

Need Help Identifying High-Potential B2B Content Distribution Channels?

Whether you need help with your B2B content distribution strategy, B2B content marketing strategy, or just high-quality content in general, we’re here to help.  

Take a look at our services and email us today for a free consultation to learn more.  

Written by Laura Martisiute